
Pressure-cooker workshop Energy-SHIFTS

04 Apr, 2019

Energy-SHIFTS is holding its first event on April 4 2019 with a pressure-cooker workshop in Rotterdam hosted by DRIFT and with contributions of Energy Cities.

Examining diversity, contributions and challenges of social innovation for energy transitions is the call to action for the workshop, that aims at the following objectives:

  • To unpack Social Innovations in Energy (SIE)
  • To exchange knowledge and practices.
  • With participants from a diversity of professional (science, policy, practice) and disciplinary (governance, anthropology, psychology, etc.) backgrounds.
  • To draw up a (research) agenda for SIE

Pressure-Cooker Workshop
The main objective of the workshop is to gain insights into Social Innovations in Energy, and to use this as crucial input for a collaboratively written article as well as a workshop report.

The pressure-cooker workshop format allows for discussions and examination of practices, findings and lessons that participants bring with them. It aims to ensure discussions are timely and relevant for stakeholders, and includes working in small groups and debating in larger groups.

About Energy-SHIFTS
By contributing to the development of Europe’s leadership in using and applying energy-related Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH), Energy-SHIFTS will significantly enhance the policy impact of energy-SSH and accelerate shifts to low-carbon energy systems. Do you want to know more about Energy-SHIFTS? Visit the project-page!