
Master thesis topic: Transformative Social Innovation

14 March, 2018

Are you interested to write your thesis about questions related to the development of social innovation initiatives, their relation and interaction with existing institutions (both formal and informal, such as norms, values, legislation, government, narratives) or the role of different actors in social innovation? Write your thesis  at DRIFT under supervision of our experts!

Transformative Social Innovation-processes are full of breakthroughs, setbacks and surprises. Probably all social innovation initiatives experience them, in one way or another. These decisive changes are Critical Turning Points (CTPs), defined as “moments or events in processes at which initiatives undergo or decide for changes of course” (Pel et al. 2015:25).

A database has been set up as part of the European funded TRANSIT project, which features timelines of Critical Turning Points in social innovation initiatives. It features data from about 80 initiatives from social innovation networks such as Slow Food, La Via Campesina, Transition Towns, Impact Hub, FabLabs, Hackerspaces, Seed Movement etc.

The thesis
If you are interested to write your thesis about questions related to the development of social innovation initiatives, their relation and interaction with existing institutions (both formal and informal, such as norms, values, legislation, government, narratives) or the role of different actors in social innovation, please get in contact!

Do you want to know more about this opportunity? Please contact Dr. Julia Wittmayer

About DRIFT’s Thesis Supervision
Transition Academy offers Master students from various disciplines and universities the opportunity to write their theses on transition and/or sustainability related themes under supervision of one of our researchers. The following terms will apply for master thesis supervision

  • We provide thesis supervision on condition that the DRIFT supervisor is formally acknowledged as a (second) supervisor.
  • Knowledge sharing. We ask the graduating student t0 (1) write a blog on their thesis to publish on the DRIFT/TAC websites; and (2) present their research during one of DRIFTs weekly knowledge sessions and/or to people involved with a potential casestudy
  • when applicable: involvement of DRIFT supervisor as a co-author in the event of a scientific publication based on the thesis.

Read more about writing your master thesis under DRIFT supervision.