World Café Sustainable and Just Cities at WeMakeThe.City
19 jun, 2019On June 19, we facilitate a World Café session about green gentrification, energy democracy and affordable housing during the WeMakeThe.City-festival and invite participants to share their knowledge and experiences – from their own cities and neighborhoods.
The connections, tensions and contradictions between urban inclusivity, social (in)equality and ecological (un)sustainability are sources of endless academic and public fascination and debate. On June 19 DRIFT is facilitating a World Café-session about the topics of green gentrification, energy democracy and affordable housing during the international WeMakeThe.City-festival in Amsterdam. DRIFT’s world café session is part of a full-day conference about rethinking the economics of land and housing called ‘A home for everybody – housing as a human right’ including speakers such as urban sociologist Saskia Sassen, economist Laurie MacFarlane, gentrification expert Cody Hochstenbach and Dutch housing market expert Peter Boelhouwer.
The World Café session is part of the recently started UrbanA project, which aims to synthesize knowledge and experience on/with approaches that tackle urban (un)sustainability and (in)justice. The connections, tensions and contradictions between inclusivity, social (in)equality and ecological sustainability are sources of fascination, frustration and debate, especially in the context of cities and rapid urbanisation. Over the coming three years, the UrbanA project will develop a database and organise a series of four blended Arena Events (online and physical) where we bring together city-makers and thinkers from across Europe who aim to design and transform cities into sustainable, inclusive and thriving urban environments and want to learn from existing and new approaches.
The session
During the World Café session we invite you to share your questions, experiences and insights with/about the urban challenges of green gentrification, energy democracy and affordable housing. As a participant you will learn from other examples and you can contribute to the collection of approaches that the UrbanA project is generating, which we will share with you in the coming months.
The session is taking place on Wednesday June 19 from 13.30 until 15.30 in the Bijlmerparktheater, Anton de Komplein 240, 1102 DR Amsterdam.
There are only limited places available! Read more about the session and purchase your ticket here. Caution: after purchasing a ticket, a reservation is also required!
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