
Launch Webinar Series: Urban Transitions and Transformations

11 november, 2019

How can transformative capacities in cities be assessed, evaluated and developed? The STRN thematic group on Urban Transitions and Transformations launches a series of Urban Transitions and Transformations webinars. Join us to shape the webinars and discussions! 
STRN (Sustainability Transitions Research Network) is an international network of more than 1.500 scholars interested in sustainability transitions. The STRN thematic group on Urban Transitions and Transformations was established in 2019 to convene a structured, pluralistic debate about how to understand and foster ‘whole-system’ change for urban sustainability. On November 26, the group launches the series of Urban Transitions and Transformations (UTT) webinars to breathe life and discussion into our urban transitions and transformations group. Join us to shape the webinars and discussions! 
UTT webinar #1: How can transformative capacities in cities be assessed, evaluated and developed? 
The first webinar will focus on the concept “transformative capacity”, which is becoming an increasingly popular term in our community. There will be short pitches that introduce different understandings of and approaches to the concept, followed by discussions about what these mean for assessing, evaluating and developing transformative capacity.
Input pitches:

  • Marc Wolfram: Urban transformative capacity – a transdisciplinary heuristic and disruptive sustainability strategy
  • Katharina Hölscher: Understanding and developing transformative governance capacities in cities
  • Emilia Smeds: Municipal capacity for transformative experimentation: urban mobility in Bristol and New York

When: November 26, 12 pm CET
Do you want to join the webinar and obtain the webinar details? Send an email to Katharina Hölscher.
Invitation to everyone: shape the webinars!
The webinars aim to bring our community closer together and give everyone the opportunity to share and discuss their research and questions about urban transitions and transformations. The webinars do not follow a pre-defined format: we invite everyone to come forth with suggestions, topics and ideas. We aim to hold webinars about every 2-3 months. 
Do you want to chair a webinar and or pitch in? Send an email to Katharina Hölscher.
Join the STRN thematic group on Urban Transitions and Transformations
We welcome anyone interested in contributing to the group. For general enquiries, please contact Marc Wolfram. To join the UTT mailing list, please send an email to this address (administrators: Emilia Smeds and Jonas Torrens).