
Nieuwe minor: Nieuwe perspectieven op economisch denken

10 mei, 2017

Vol enthousiasme kondigen wij een nieuwe, transitie-gerichte minor aan die nu te volgen is aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam! De minor is ontwikkeld in samenwerking met het Impact Centre Erasmus (ICE) en de Economic Faculty Association Rotterdam (EFR) DRIFT, om studenten uit te dagen nieuwe economische vergezichten te verkennen.

Lees verder in het Engels.
In this transition-focused minor we will link up to Blue City010, a hub for new entrepreneurship such as ‘Aloha’, ‘Rotterzwam’ and ‘Fruitleather’, and funded by impact investor iFund. During the minor, students will be challenged to critically engage with transformative entrepreneurs and academic debates around economic transitions. The minor won’t just focus on academic theory, but will invite students to take a deep dive into the everyday practice of new business models and value propositions and ask them to think of their own business solution.


Are you curious about how economics and entrepreneurship can be a solution to current global challenges? See our course page for more information.