
Nieuw boek ‘Urban Sustainability Transitions’ verschijnt binnenkort!

20 april, 2017


Wil je weten hoe duurzaamheidstransities zich ontvouwen in verschillende steden over de hele wereld, en nieuwe strategieën ontdekken om deze stedelijke transities te begeleiden en versnellen? In deze nieuwe publicaties, onder redactie van Vanesa Castán Broto, Lars Coenen en DRIFT-ers Derk Loorbach en Niki Frantzeskaki, worden nieuwe inzichten over en handvatten voor dit belangrijke thema geboden.

Lees verder in het Engels

The world’s population is undergoing a significant transition towards urbanization. The UN expects 70% of people globally to live in cities by 2050. Urbanisation has multiple political, cultural, environmental and economic dimensions that influence social development and innovation. Urban society’s technologies, infrastructures, culture and lifestyles will be realigned, as well as governance and institutional frameworks. Such structural systemic realignments can be referred to as urban sustainability transitions: fundamental and structural changes in urban systems through which persistent societal challenges are addressed, such as shifts towards urban farming, renewable decentralised energy systems, and social economies.

This book provides new insights into how sustainability transitions unfold in different types of cities across the world with case studies of mega-cities such as Seoul, Tokyo, New York and Adelaide, medium-sized cities such as Copenhagen, Cape Town and Portland, and nonmetropolitan cities such as Freiburg, Ghent and Brighton. The book explores possible strategies for governing urban transitions, emphasising the co-evolution of material and institutional transformations in socio-technical and socio-ecological systems. This way, the book provides an opportunity to reflect upon the comparability and transferability of theoretical/conceptual constructs and governance approaches across geographical contexts.

Do you want to read more? The book will be published on the 6th of June; a pre-order is possible for those who don’t want to miss out!