Verdediging proefschrift: Sustainable Food by Design
6 maart, 2017
Groeiende onduurzame consumptie in Vietnam is een urgente uitdaging, met name in stedelijk gebied. owing unsustainable consumption in Vietnam is a pressing issue, especially in urban areas. Postdoctoraal onderzoeker Jotte de Koning heeft vier jaar onderzoek gedaan naar het transitiepotentieel van het Vietnamese voedselsysteem. Op 15 maart verdedigt Jotte de resultaten, samengebracht in de thesis Sustainable Food by Design, co-design and sustainable consumption among the urban middle class of Vietnam.
Lees verder in het Engels.
The effects of rapid economic growth, industrialization and increasing wealth in combination with a young, growing population make that the middle class of Vietnam is on the rise. This movement within the population is opening up room to form and introduce new consumption patterns; patterns that are both sustainable as well as adapted to the increasing living standards.
This thesis points out that food is the most promising category to start building in these new consumption patterns. Consumers and producers in Vietnam are looking for ways to make their food practices sustainable. Design can help building and giving form to new behaviour patterns, products and services. However, creating more trust and understanding between he Vietnamese food consumers and producer is essential. Co-design specifically could enable the creation of trust and understanding as well as a learning environment; ultimately leading to a more attractive, well adapted and sustainable designed food system in Vietnam.
Do you want to know more about Jotte’s research? You are welcome to join the defense at the TU Delft. The ceremony will start at 14.30 at the Aula (Mekelweg 5, 2628 CC, Delft).
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