
IMPRESSIONS Zomerschool (EN): Klimaatuitdagingen en -oplossingen in de praktijk

17 oktober, 2017

Wil je weten hoe je innovatieve en praktische klimaatoplossingen kunt ontwerpen? In mei 2018 organiseren DRIFT en het IMPRESSIONS onderzoeksteam een zomerschool in Sofia (Bulgarije), om kennis te delen over klimaatscenario’s, transitiepaden en transformatieve oplossingen in de context van ver(der)gaande klimaatverandering.

Lees verder in het Engels
The IMPRESSIONS project aims to advance understanding of the implications of high-end climate change, involving temperature increases above 2°C, and to help decision-makers apply such knowledge within adaptation and mitigation strategies. The aim of this summer school is to introduce IMPRESSIONS methods and tools so as to demonstrate their applications through studying the impacts of climate change and socio-economic changes in Bulgarian mountains and rural communities.


We invite researchers and practitioners working on climate change to register (with no fee) and learn together about how to design climate solutions. Our summer school is set to combine theory and methods with practical exercises and includes a field excursion in the Bulgarian mountains to witness adaptation issues in person.


The summer school will provide participants with a unique opportunity to work together on solving a specified climate-related challenges with leading scientific experts and local stakeholders, applying methodologies and models developed within IMPRESSIONS. The summerschool focuses in particular on how inter- and transdisciplinary research methods combine to develop practical climate solutions.


Are you interested in taking part in this challenging summer school? Download the Summer School flyer or visit the IMPRESSIONS website for more information on the program and registration and apply before the 30th of November 2017!



Apply for the IMPRESSIONS summer school