Think, Act, Change for Transition
4 January, 2018Five years after the start of the Transition Academy, we are ready for a small transition of our own. We hope you will take this step with us and find yourself inspired!
In 2013 we launched the Transition Academy as a platform for education on and for sustainability transitions. Now, five years on, we are ready for a small transition of our own. We want to celebrate the way in which the activities of the Transition Academy and DRIFT complement, ground and inspire each other, by highlighting it as a core part of our identity.
Nowadays, you can find us at DRIFT’s beautiful new website. Our new digital home showcases the synergies between research, practice and education and includes a shared platform for public dialogue and debate. We believe this step forward will help us facilitate and strengthen connections amongst changemakers even better.
This change naturally asks for some other updates as well: we have chosen a new logo and will start publishing a shared newsletter. From now on, you will receive a freshly designed Transition Update, featuring interesting reads, news and tips for courses and events.
We hope you will take this step with us and find yourself inspired and hungry for more. We are looking forward to building stronger connections with all those we work with.
Let’s join forces to Think, Act and Change for transition!
The Transition Academy team
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